Thursday, December 23, 2010

紫色浪漫水饺包 Romantic Purple Dumpling Bag

我自己是很喜欢这样的配搭,不晓得小姑喜不喜欢, 如果不喜欢没关系,我留着自己背。就连我的公主都抢着要这个包哦,哈哈。。。
拉链用了甜美的蕾丝拉链, 更为包包锦上添花。

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Potato House: 跨年夜倒数2011年幸运抽奖 - 华文版

Potato House: 跨年夜倒数2011年幸运抽奖 - 华文版: "只要123的参赛步骤就可参加幸运抽奖比赛引用“ 跨年夜倒数2011年幸运抽奖” 在你的部落格。 成为Potato House 的 follower。 请留言在这个帖子并且留下你的名字或昵称与电邮。 只限于没有部落格的客户与手作网友可省略1. 的参赛条款。 面子书 的手作网友 你可..."

Monday, December 13, 2010

2010 的最后一个订单。。。手机包 (客订单) My last order of 2010... handphone pouch (Custom Made Order)

2010 就快来到尾声了,我也把今年最后一个订单赶完了。心情无比的轻松。这是同样一位同事向我订的手机包,是打算那来送给一位马来朋友当生日礼物的。一直迟迟不开工是因为想做一款之前没做过的,可是脑袋一直没有灵感。一拖再拖,拖到没得拖了也只好硬着头皮做。也许是应为如此,所以成品我很不满意。结果我又裁布重做。
2010 is almost the end, I have finally completed my last order of the year, feel very relief after seeing the pouch! this is the same colleague who has ordered quite many items from me, she ordered this handphone pouch for a Malay friend as birthday present. She has placed the order quite some time ago, but I did not start the work until the deadline is due. I did not have any idea on how to do something differently and this pouch is the 2nd pouch I sew. The 1st one didn't meet my expectation, so I re-do.


When I see the final product, I really like it and I know this one can be sent out.

蛋糕派对(客订)Felt Cakes Party (Custom Made Order)

My ex-colleague whom has the same name as mine ordered 10pcs of felt cakes from me for her 3 lovely princesses and niece. As what she has promised them to have "X'mas gift x-change" but never tell them what the gift will be... my colleague requested 10 different design and complicated cakes.

Well, I have done that before so just choose the same pattern I have done before. Maybe too long never sew, I couldn't hold the felt tight during the start of the sewing..... omg...

因为蛋糕是要分给四位小公主的,所以同事要我把它们分别包装。 这三块一盒的是送给三位公主的。

Since the cakes are for 4 little princesses, so it has been requested to pack individually. These 3pc pack is for her 3 lovely princesses.

And this lonely fruit tart is for the niece...
我和同事说,你可以自行搭配, 我没有把盒子钉死。她说回家要抽签决定。哈哈。。。
I told my colleague that she can mix n match later coz I never staple the box. Let her 3 princesses to match n mix what they like.

Here is the group photo.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

十二月的小托(试验包) Small Tote for Dec'10 (testing version)

Because of the December activity, I had worried for very long how to submit my X'mas exchange gift, was thinking to quit the game was then it will be unfair to the one who supposed to receive my gift.... luckily I got my "shifu" - Sharon, to guide me step by step until I clearly understood what was taught in the instruction. Thank u so much to Sharon!

这个包我选了很zakka 的棉麻来当包身,侧身用了蓝色的酒袋布配以红色水玉。整体的效果是很耐脏,哈哈!
I chose a zakka fabric for this bag, the side of the bag I used a blue canvas fabric and match with red polka dot. The overall effect of the bag is not easy to get dirt, haha!


The inner of the bag is fully plain cotton linen, just nice to match with the zakka style of the bag. I added a open pocket to keep some small items. The side pocket and inner bag was sew with snap buttons.

当然这不会是拿来送小主人的圣诞礼物啦,小主人的包已经缝好了咯,可是不能 po 上来,要等到小主人收到了才能见光。

Of course this is not the real tote bag for X'mas gift exchange. The bag for exchange will only be posted after our "little master" received it!